Dehydrated vs Oily Skin

Dehydrated skin is a skin lacking in water, but can and does still produce oil. It over produces an oily substance to compensate for the lack of moisture in the skin, which is the reason why dehydrated skin can be mistaken for oily skin.

How to recognise the difference.


The hydrolipidic film is the barrier that projects skin from the outside. When it is damaged, the skins water content (moisture) escapes leaving skin parched.

Therefore dehydrated skin is likely to have stretched open pores which are grey at the base. This can often be mistaken for blackheads. Dehydrated skin is also lacking in radiance and prone to fine lines and wrinkles.

The film it produces will feel silky to the touch and there may even be congestion along the chin/jaw line where toxins gather due to lack of hydration.


A true oily skin on the other hand will produce a thick waxy substance to the surface of the skin. There are likely to be true blackheads (proper plugs) and the skin may have a slightly thickened orange peel effect.I

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