Brow Lamination


Brow lamination is where the eyebrow hairs are moved and straightened into the desired direction, instantly giving a fuller, fluffier and textured brow!

We recommend for clients to grow out their brows prior to treatment to achieve the best results!

The brow lamination treatment lasts approximately 8 weeks, and can be redone again after the 8 weeks.

This treatment however isn’t recommended for those with thin, sparse brow hairs as it won’t be affective and beneficial, and could potentially affect the health of the eyebrow hairs.

Clients taking roaccutane, retinol, steroid creams, or any skin thinning medication. Post chemo 6 months, pregnant or breastfeeding. If had Botox must be either a week before or after treatment.

Aftercare: for 24 hours after treatment
No water on the brows,
No swimming, saunas, steam rooms,
Avoid make up after treatment,
Keep the condition of the brows by applying oil to keep them strong and healthy.