Welcome to Lemon Bottle Fat Reduction in Malvern – your premier destination for effective fat reduction and skin treatments! Our revolutionary Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve treatment is designed to address stubborn fat in key areas such as the abdomen, chin, thighs, and arms, helping you achieve the sculpted look you desire.

Why Choose Lemon Bottle Fat Reduction?

At Lemon Bottle, we pride ourselves on using a unique blend of natural ingredients, including Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), Lecithin, and Bromelain. These powerful components work synergistically to target and break down fat cells, providing you with noticeable results.

Treatment Areas and Prices

Our experienced team offers targeted fat reduction treatments for various areas:

  • Chin Area: £175

  • Medium Area: Starts from £250

  • Large Area: Starts from £350

Multiple Treatments for Optimal Results

While prices are per treatment, it's important to note that achieving your desired results may require multiple sessions. Our skilled practitioners will assess your unique needs during a consultation and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

Common Questions About Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve

Q: How does Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve work? A: Our advanced formula combines Riboflavin, Lecithin, and Bromelain to target and break down fat cells in problem areas, promoting a gradual reduction in fat.

Q: Is the treatment safe? A: Yes, Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve is a safe and non-invasive procedure. Our team of experts prioritises your well-being and ensures a comfortable experience.

Q: How long does each treatment session take? A: Treatment durations vary based on the area being treated, typically ranging from 30 minutes to an hour.

Q: When will I see results? A: Results may vary, but many clients notice improvements in as soon as one session.. Full results are typically visible over a few weeks.

Discover the Difference at Lemon Bottle at Serenity skin & wellness clinic, malvern.