

Freezpen is an advanced technology in CryoTherapy that offers a quick and incredibly effective treatment that removes unwanted skin lesions and erases skin defects safely, precisely and comfortably

How does freezepen work?

The Freezpen instrument is an innovation in CryoTherapy. It emits a fine jet of nitrous oxide at -89°C, allowing your therapist to work with millimetre precision. Working in circular and criss-cross movements, the tiny cold blast destroys the affected tissue by freezing the inter-cellular fluid, forming ice shards and crystals that rupture the cell membrane, thereby destroying the cell.

What areas can we treat?

Age spots



Actinic keratosis

Seborrheic keratosis

Skin tags

Cherry Angioma



Will there be scarring?

Typically, cryosurgery leaves the least amount of scarring of any form of lesion removal because it causes the least damage to the connective tissue infrastructure. A hypopigmented lesion will be noted until this darkens with new tanning.

Is there pain with the procedure?

There may be some tingling with the initial freezing but most patients get an anesthetic effect from the extreme freezing temperatures. More of a pinching sensation occurs when the area thaws out. Some patients have some discomfort for the first day after the procedure. Ibuprofen are usually adequate.

How long will the lesion take to heal?

The cryolesion usually develops a blister during the first 24 hours
which lasts 2 to 5 days. After it scabs over the lesion, healing depends on how deep the wound is. Typically, healing occurs from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on length of freeze and location.

How permanent is the cure?

For most lesions cryosurgery is a permanent removal. Some lesions are harder to remove than others. In more delicate places a shorter freeze time with repeat procedures may be required to get a final result with the least damage to the surrounding skin. In other instances a deep lesion may take several aggressive treatments to get a final result. In particular, warts that don’t have pre-treatment may take multiple freezes.

Will there be permanent discoloration?

Since melanocytes are the most sensitive cell type, persons with dark pigmentation or prolonged freeze times in any individual may cause extremely long color recovery or permanent color loss even after the lesion is healed in other respects.

Will my wart fall off after one treatment?

Most small common warts will respond to a single treatment. However, certain types and very large ones can be very difficult to remove and may take more than one treatment.

Can anyone have this treatment?

We can not treat anyone with the following:

uncontrolled diabetes


Auto immune disease

Blood thinners


We need a doctors note for the following:

Controlled diabetes

Treatment of moles


Prices £

One Skin lesion removal £50

Up to three skin lesions removal £75

Up to five skin lesions removal £110

Age spots: £130 initially treatment (this includes an SPF)

Age spot follow up appointments: £100